Friday, May 6, 2011

Frequently asked questions about our pregnancy

Today Hilary is 13 weeks, and we have started spreading the news (relatively) far and wide.

After many phone and Skype conversations, I've come up with a brief FAQ to help those who have heard the news but we haven't had a chance to talk to yet:

1. When is the baby due?

A few years back, there was a period of six or eight months where for some reason, I found myself looking at the clock exactly when it read 11:11 all the time. No fooling, I'd say it happened at least five times a week. And I wasn't looking for it on purpose either, I would just happen to glance at my computer, or my watch, or the clock on my car's dashboard, and there it would be, 11:11. It started happening so often that I briefly entertained the notion that I was the subject of a Truman Show-esque movie or TV program before realizing how crazy that would be.

Why do I bring this up? Because Hilary's due date is November 11, 2011. That's right, 11-11-11.

I'm still pretty sure there's nothing fishy going on. Mostly sure, anyway.

2. Are we going to find out the sex or wait to be surprised?

We are going to find out. Isn't it a surprise whether you find out the sex at 20 weeks or when the baby shoots down the pipe? Hilary is a planner -- there is no way she can wait until November to find out the sex of the child. As for me, I already know it's a girl.

I have had this conversation many times with many people, but I will rehash it briefly here. I don't believe in God, but I do believe that there is some sort of order to the universe, and part of that order decrees that the more you like sports, the more likely it is you will have daughters. I like sports more than anyone else I know, therefore, come November I expect to be unwrapped a lot of pink baby gifts.

3. Are you aware that girls can like sports too?

Yes, I am aware. I am also aware that even if I have a boy, it doesn't mean he will share the same love of athletics as his papa. And the truth is, OF COURSE I don't care if it's a girl or a boy -- at the end of the day, all I want is a healthy baby, and whether they like sports or not is immaterial, just as long as they hate cable news networks.

I would love a son to share my obsession with, but that's just not the way the world works for the sports fan. We could have ten children*, and they will all be daughters.

* We won't

4. How is Hilary feeling? Is she having any cravings?

So far, she's doing pretty good. She's been pretty fatigued, but she's not a night owl to begin with, so that's not too much of a change. She goes to bed at 9:30 now instead of 9:45.

As for cravings, we're still waiting to see if anything stands out food wise. So far all she really craves is for me to TURN OFF THE TELEVISION SO SHE CAN GO TO SLEEP.

Any more questions? Let us know.