Monday, July 28, 2008

Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties Recap

Hilary and I each had our respective flings this past weekend, and as you can probably imagine, they were slightly different in tone and content.

Without divulging too many of the nitty-gritty details, I thought I'd give a little recap of each in traditional bachelor-party form: the haiku*. See if you can guess which is for which! (Ok, so some are fairly obvious)

Drinking and gambling.
I hope I drank enough to
offset my losses.

Lots of girlie stuff.
Not sure about pillow fights,
But I don't doubt it.

Here is a statement:
Golf in hundred degree temps
Is a hangover cure.

Hil got cute presents.
But I do not think that ring
Belongs where you think.

How many oyster
po-boys can Micah consume
in just one weekend?

Hilary really,
Really, really enjoy-ed
The scavenger hunt.

I speak for Hilary on this one - we both had amazing times over the weekend, and were happy to get to spend time with so many of our good friends. Thanks to all who made it out!

* May not actually be true

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